NTHS is committed to the recognition of excellence in every arena of career and technical education – student achievement, community service, outstanding chapters, and contributions from business, industry, and educational professionals. We encourage our members to get  involved outside their classroom, and every once in a while, we notice a chapter that really goes above and beyond that call.  That’s why we have the Silver Star of Excellence Outstanding Chapter Award.

The focus of this national award is to recognize NTHS chapters that maintain an active chapter based upon our seven core attributes; skill, scholarship, honesty, service, responsibility, citizenship and leadership… With that being said, we’d like to introduce you to the chapter at St. Clair County Technical Education Center.

Apparently St. Clair TEC is pretty well known in their community, not only for their workforce skills, but also their commitment to helping others in their community. Throughout the year, they’ve held numerous fund raisers and food and clothing drives, including a “Polar Bear Plunge,” where they raised over $4,500 for children in need by taking a dip into the 40 degree waters of Lake Huron this past December. We are so very proud of their creativity and compassion! Take a look at their story: