The National Technical Honor Society is extending member benefits for anyone graduating in 2021 for one full year beyond their graduation date! Students graduating in 2021 will be eligible to apply for the JHP Scholarship, request their letters of recommendation, and more* into 2022! This means that even if a student is inducted just before their graduation, they will have one full year beyond that graduation date to access their member benefits.
We know that the lingering impact of COVID-19 has caused school systems to adjust their operations drastically, resulting in delayed inductions and members not being able to participate in NTHS activities as normal. We want all of our members to be able to fully utilize their NTHS member benefits and to feel as recognized and supported as they prepare for their next steps.
If you are a student that is graduating this year wondering if you should join or an advisor that is wondering if you have time to induct members from the Class of 2021, the answer is YES! This benefit extension ensures that you will be able to make the most out of your NTHS benefits, just as you would have during a normal school year.
We hope this helps celebrate and honor the class of 2021 as they prepare to be the next generation of leaders in the workforce.
*Due to the disruption of school cycles caused by COVID-19, NTHS has extended member benefits for one year beyond your graduation date for anyone graduating in 2021. For example, a December 2021 graduate will have access to NTHS specific benefits until December 2022. This includes but is not limited to the JHP Scholarship, letters of recommendation, GEICO and OfficeMax discounts, and ability to add-on career readiness benefits.
Some partner benefits may have additional requirements. For example, while NTHS is extending the eligibility window for NTHS members to apply for scholarships, students must still meet the CTSO specific requirements in order to apply for CTSO Scholarships. For full details on CTSO scholarship requirements, please visit the corresponding CTSO pages. All students with extended benefits will remain eligible to apply for the JHP Scholarship.