For June, we’ve selected an Advisor of the Month who has paved the way for impactful student experiences at his school despite the pandemic! Edwin Ormeo teaches Commercial Photography at Oakleaf High in Orange Park, Florida.
Mr. Ormeo has been teaching for 7 years now and we are proud to have him as an NTHS Advisor! Take a look at the awesome work he and his NTHS members are doing back at home!
Why is Career and Technical Education important to you?
Having been a Photographer and currently working in the Industry, I believe the Career and Technical Education gives the students the opportunity and the vehicle to help them succeed in the work-force. Our school provides a variety of Career Paths for students to choose from: We have Agriculture, 3-D Design, Aerospace, Digital Design, Early Childhood, Electrical Wiring, Digital Photography, Entrepreneur, Fashion Design, Health Science, Robotics and TV Production. CTE allows students to connect with our Business Partners, and be able earn industry certifications, before they graduate. The training they receive tremendously helps students with their career path.
How did you hold an induction ceremony last school year? Was it virtual, in-person or both? What worked and what didnt?
It was a difficult decision because we have a good track record of in-person induction, but this year we did Virtual. As successful as it was, I still prefer seeing all the proud faces of both inductees and their parents.
What sort of creative solutions are you and your members talking about for your next induction ceremony? Will it be a virtual ceremony, a drive-by packet pick-up, an in-person and distanced ceremony? Please share your ideas and with us so that other advisors and chapters may benefit!
At this point we are still unsure, but the church we used in the past are now allowing full gatherings, so we may revisit the idea of inducting at the same location.
For your current students who are continuing their CTE education online or in a hybrid model, what advice would you give them on how to make the most out of their CTE experience?
We keep an open communication with all our blended and online students via google classroom. We continue to include them with all our activities and encourage them to not only get involved in the four walls of our school but also in their community. We also continue to award and acknowledge their successes.
As the leader of your schools NTHS chapter, what accomplishments (yours or your students) are you most proud of?
We have several students and CTE programs who have been intricately involved in the success of our drives and activities. We have partnered with our local church to help feed the less fortunate during the pandemic along with our blanket drive. We also have had some Poteat Scholarship recipients.
Have you done any activities, projects, campaigns, and/or community outreach with your NTHS chapter that you feel were successful? Tell us about them!
As I had mentioned above, we partnered with our local church and gathered food and supplies for all those who have been affected by the pandemic. We also had a successful Coat and Blanket Drive. But prior to the pandemic, we had a community carnival and rented a bouncy castle for the children in our community.
Tell us a little about yourself Your family? Your pets? Your hobbies and interests?
I have been a teacher now for 7 years teaching Photography and Photoshop, and I am also a seasoned professional photographer for nearly two decades. I am a man of faith who is highly involved at our local church. Been married for 24 years, this July. I have 3 amazing children, one married, one just graduated and one still in High School. We have 2 dogs and a cat. I am your typical a.d.d. so I am involved in a lot of things: I play several musical instruments, ride motorcycles, loves cars, photography…etc.