Over the years, NTHS has awarded over $3 million to deserving NTHS members!
It is our belief that CTE students must be supported and encouraged to seek higher education in today’s highly competitive global community. Aware of the increasing cost to attend post-secondary schools, NTHS is dedicated to providing scholarships to career and technical education students who choose a skilled trade as their career. For further assistance, please email our NTHS Scholarship Director or call 1-800-801-7090.
Each year, NTHS awards over a quarter of a million dollars through these exclusive scholarship opportunities.

Named in honor and memory of our NTHS Co-Founder, the Jon H. Poteat Scholarship is reserved exclusively for active NTHS members. Students are considered active members from the date they join until 6 months after their graduation date.
The online application is available from September 1 - May 1 and active members may apply once per scholarship cycle. On May 15, NTHS will award 250 one-thousand dollar JHP Scholarships to eligible active members. Recipients will be announced at
The Jon H. Poteat Scholarship application does not require any forms or additional information; your membership in NTHS automatically establishes your eligibility. To complete the application, you will:
- Log in at
- Click on the NTHS Scholarships tile
- Click the "Apply Now" button under the JHP Scholarship description
- Read and agree to the terms and conditions
- Click "Apply Now" button

In collaboration with NCCER and its BYF initiative, NTHS annually awards five $2000 scholarships to members committed to pursuing careers in construction-related disciplines. Application requirements include:
- High School senior and/or post-secondary NTHS member
- Applicant personal information
- Listing of awards/honors/training participation/certifications received
- Letter of recommendation
- Three essay questions
NCCER is an education foundation that is nationally recognized as the training, assessment, certification, and career development standard for the construction and maintenance craft professional. NCCER also drives multiple initiatives to enhance career development and recruitment efforts for the industry, through its Build Your Future (BYF) initiative.
Build Your Future (BYF) provides a collaborative grassroots approach to construction workforce forecasting and development that includes recruitment, training, placement, retention and image enhancement strategies. BYF aims to be the catalyst for recruiting the next generation of craft professionals.
The following NTHS occupation codes are elligible to apply for this scholarship:
- 1.2 Environmental Science/Forestry/Natural Resources
- 3.1 Building Planning/Design/Architecture
- 3.2 Carpentry
- 3.3 Construction Management/Estimating
- 3.4 Electrical-Industrial/Electrical-Mechanical Technology
- 3.5 Electrical-Residential
- 3.6 Heating/HVAC
- 3.7 Heavy Equipment
- 3.8 Masonry
- 3.9 Steel Fabrication
- 3.10 Plumbing
- 3.11 Pre-Engineering
- 5.4 Energy Production/Distribution
- 5.5 Industrial Maintenance
- 5.8 Welding/Fabrication
- 12.3 Industry Training/Development
- 13.5 Marine Service Technician

Partnering with HOSA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with HOSA to promote their mission and provide seven scholarships to active HOSA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by HOSA.
HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.
All application/submission questions should be directed to HOSA.

Partnering with DECA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with DECA to promote their mission and provide two scholarships to active DECA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by DECA.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. With a nearly 70-year history, DECA has impacted the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals since it was founded in 1946.
All application/submission questions should be directed to DECA.

Partnering with SkillsUSA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with SkillsUSA to promote their mission and provide four scholarships to active SkillsUSA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by SkillsUSA.
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. We provide educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE) in the nation's classrooms.
All application/submission questions should be directed to SkillsUSA.

Partnering with FCCLA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with FCCLA to promote their mission and provide two scholarships to active FCCLA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by FCCLA.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education.
All application/submission questions should be directed to FCCLA.

Partnering with FBLA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with FBLA to promote their mission and provide two scholarships to active FBLA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by FBLA.
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA) is the largest career student organization in the world. Each year, FBLA helps over 250,000 members prepare for careers in business. Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
All application/submission questions should be directed to FBLA.

Partnering with BPA, we connect our students to countless scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to be partnered with BPA to promote their mission and provide three scholarships to active BPA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by BPA.
Business Professionals of America is the leading CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields. The mission of Business Professionals of America is to contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills.
All application/submission questions should be directed to BPA.

Partnering with TSA, we connect students to scholarship opportunities during their educational experience. NTHS is honored to partner with TSA to promote TSA’s mission and provide three scholarships to active TSA members who also are current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations and the requirements and criteria are decided by TSA.
The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national non-profit career and technical student organization (CTSO). Comprised of middle and high school students engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), members stay actively involved through competitions and leadership and career-awareness opportunities.
All application/submission questions should be directed to TSA.

The National Technical Honor Society is excited to partner with the Law & Public Safety Education Network (LAPSEN) to offer this scholarship opportunity to members enrolled in Law & Public Safety coursework. NTHS members who have the LAPSEN Endorsement added to their membership will automatically be entered for a chance to win the LAPSEN/NTHS Scholarship.
LAPSEN is the premier support organization for the Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Career Cluster in secondary education. It exists to help develop and support LPSCS career education programs through curriculum development, student and instructor certifications, instructor training, program assessment and certification, and assistance in growing LPSCS career programs.
Learn more about LAPSEN Endorsement here.

The National Technical Honor Society is excited to partner with the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) to enhance recognition for Career & Technical Education (CTE) students enrolled in automotive, collision, and diesel programs. NTHS members who have the ASE Endorsement added to their membership will automatically be entered for a chance to win the ASE/NTHS Scholarship.
For over 50 years, ASE has promoted excellence in vehicle repair, service, and parts distribution by testing and certifying automotive professionals. NTHS, having served as the honor society for Career & Technical Education for nearly 40 years, is proud to work together with ASE in recognizing and supporting excellence in automotive education.
Learn more about ASE Endorsement here.
Alumni Scholarships

NTHS is pleased to announce that the C. Allen Powell Alumni Scholarship is now open to ALL NTHS Alumni. Starting 6 months after graduation, every NTHS member will have lifetime access to apply for this scholarship.
Named in honor of NTHS Co-Founder and longtime Executive Director, C. Allen Powell, this alumni scholarship supports NTHS Alumnus who plans to continue their education and skill development, whether they graduated 2 or 20 years ago.
Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded annually. Applicants must log in and complete the provided application.