This month’s NTHS Honor Roll inductee embodies the dedication and hard work that CTE helps students develop as they prepare for their careers. Jakira Smith is an NTHS member at Oconee Fall Line Technical College studying accounting. She was nominated by a family member, who had this to say:
“Jakira is a mother of one, and somehow still found time to maintain a 4.0 GPA at her local college since her freshman year; while still having time to give back to the community, make time for friends and family, maintain the household, and continue to read her daily Bible. She’s now a senior with a 4.0 GPA and she graduates next year in May. If you needed anything, she always been the person you can call on despite how busy her schedule was. She always made time for everything within her life, and I think this award would be an honor for her to have. ”
Jakira answered some of our questions so we could get to know her and her chapter a bit more. Take a look and see what you might be able to take home to your own NTHS chapter.
Why is Career and Technical Education important to you?
Career and Technical Education is definitely the key to the future. The more I educate myself on what is to come and what is now prepare me for more wisdom, knowledge, network, and connections I will have to make a successful future.
Why is NTHS important to you?
NTHS not only gave me access to different scholarships and information that can lead me to even greater success, but it has opened my eyes to how well of a performance I maintained and dedicated in my life. Somewhere out there, I have always believed that there will be a program that is willing and wanting to show all of my hard work off to the world. I could not have been any happier than having NTHS to accept me with open arms, and shining me in the spotlight.
What advice would you give students on how to make the most out of their CTE experience?
Research and having many resources will be your best friend! Definitely take advantage of any programs that’s willing to help you with your future career! That’s the only way to go!
Tell us a little about yourself. Your family? Your pets? Your hobbies and interests?
I was born and raised in Dublin, Georgia. While living in Dublin, I started a small family that consist of a beautiful daughter that’s 6 years old. I have a 2 year old nephew that I enjoy reading and spending time with. While being a full time mother, I currently attend Oconee Fall Line Technical College for Accounting. I graduate next year in Spring; I’m super excited for what the future holds for my daughter and I.
Advisors like Sarah are the reason that NTHS is able to help change lives for students across the country. We are so proud to have her as one of our advisors! Sarah, we thank you for all you do.
Students like Jakira are perfect examples of excellence in CTE and NTHS is proud to call her a member! Across the country, CTE is helping students gain essential skills that will lead them directly to success in the workforce and NTHS is here to recognize them. Thank you, Jakira, for being an inspiration to your peers and other students!
If you know someone who you think deserves to be recognized in the NTHS Honor Roll click here to nominate them!