This month we are excited to induct our very first student member into the National Technical Honor Society Honor Roll! Anna Beth Oliver from Russellville High School in Alabama was nominated by her HOSA advisor who told us of her many accomplishments:
“She received the Presidential Excellence Award this year for completing over 100 hours of community service. She was selected as Career Tech Student of the month in December. She was inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, NTHS, National Honor Society, Sigma Kappa Delta, and Phi Theta Kappa this year as a junior in high school. She received the Barbara James Service Award at HOSA State Leadership Conference and will also receive the same award in June at HOSA ILC. She is a two sport athlete for varsity (volleyball and basketball). She works part-time at an Accounting Firm. She served as President of RHS’s HOSA this school year and also served as 2nd Vice President of Key Club”
We asked Anna Beth a few questions to get to know her and her CTE story a bit more, take a look!
Why is Career and Technical Education important to you?
“CTE has allowed me to explore career options while in high school and gain valuable skills that I can use for the rest of my life. I have been involved in many leadership roles and learned attributes such as leadership, character, accountability, and responsibility. ”
Why is NTHS important to you?
“NTHS is important to me because it recognizes excellence in learning life skills and does not just focus on grades. ”
What are some of the NTHS chapter activities that you’ve participated in?
“I have participated in several community service activities. One of the most memorable is the Gold Ribbon Project. For this project, the NTHS members distributed drop boxes at the local elementary, middle school, and high school. We collected supplies such as clothes, toys, school supplies, and toiletry items for children in the foster care system. Our chapter was able to supply approximately 25 backpacks stuffed with these items.”
What advice would you give current students on how to make the most out of their CTE experience?
“I would recommend that students take as many CTE classes as they can. These classes will help them to decide what direction they want to take in the future. Students can also earn credentials that will allow them to work in different fields while going to college. ”
How has NTHS impacted your chapter members?
“NTHS has inspired students to get involved in their communities and do what they can to help out.”
Tell us a little about yourself. Your family? Your pets? Your hobbies and interests?
“I am a senior at Russellville High School. I play Varsity Volleyball and Basketball. I am a member of the NTHS, National Honor Society (NHS), Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Sigma Kappa Delta, National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS), Future Health Professionals (HOSA), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Annual Staff, Science Club, and Mu Alpha Theta. I have 18 hours of Dual Enrollment credit through Northwest-Shoals Community College and I passed the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition test.
I live with my mom, dad, sister, 4 dogs (Annie, Coco, Diesel, and Tucker), and one cat (Mr. Cuddles). I work part-time for an accounting firm. I plan to attend the University of North Alabama in the fall and major in Accounting and Technology.”
We are so lucky to have members like Anna Beth who embody all of the attributes of NTHS within their community!
If you know someone who you think deserves to be recognized in the NTHS Honor Roll click here to nominate them!