Flat Rock, NC – The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), a non-profit student organization that celebrates excellence in Career & Technical Education (CTE), has partnered with Rubin, a leader in online resources for business communication skills. Both organizations believe in the importance of ensuring that students have access to tools that help them build professional communication skills that will further their careers.
The partnership will provide NTHS chapters access to Propel, Rubin’s revolutionary email tool. Propel is an innovative product for Gmail/Outlook that teaches students how to write polished, professional emails. Propel promises no more student emails that look like casual text messages.
“We are excited to partner with Rubin to offer our members access to their Propel email tool,” said NTHS Executive Director, Peyton Holland. “This partnership aligns strongly with our NTHS Core Four Objectives, particularly around career development and leadership development. This tool will help NTHS members sharpen and hone their communication skills as they prepare to transition into the workforce.”
“The partnership with NTHS allows our team to impact student writing on a national level,” said Danny Rubin, founder of Rubin. “So many college and career opportunities begin with an introductory email. If we can help NTHS students write great emails, then all kinds of doors will open.”
NTHS is the honor society for Career & Technical Education (CTE) and has been recognizing outstanding student achievement in CTE since 1984. With over one million members served in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country, NTHS seeks to empower students through career development, leadership, and service opportunities so they can develop the skills needed to build their careers and our global workforce.
Rubin is the leader in online instruction for employability skills. Founded in 2017, Rubin teaches students how to write, speak and lead with confidence through a variety of online teaching tools. From live webinars with top professionals to hands-on curricula and an etiquette tool for Gmail/Outlook, teachers and students nationwide rely on Rubin to prepare for the world of work.
For more information on NTHS and Rubin, visit their websites at nths.org and rubineducation.com, respectively.